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2016 NECO CRS/IRS Expo Answers | Objectives and Essay Solution Runz

2016 NECO CRS/IRS Expo Answers | Objectives and Essay Solution Runz

Monday 4th July.
Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Christian Religious Studies 10:00am - 12:30pm

 We now have the full questions and answers with us now.


- anticipating hardships belivers are enjoined by peter to endure suffering with christ like faith
- christains should conduct themselves without fear. In this they might be futher identified with christ who himself endured suffering
- christians should rejoice when suffering for christ sake because through suffering christians share with christ
- No matter what trials christians were to do nothing that would justify them as criminals
- anything that we suffer for christ is a privilage not a penalty
- do not be ashamed if you suffer as a christian
- peter encourages the christians to endure suffering just as christ did

- persecution should be regarded as mark of the christian faith
- christ and his apostles are points of reference for christians when it comes to persecution
- pesecution should come to us because we preach christ
- pesecution should be received with joy‎

Jericho had closed its gates because of the
Israelites, and no one went in or out. But
Jehovah said to Joshua, "See, I have given
Jericho to you with its king and its able
warriors. You shall march around the city, all
the soldiers going about the city once. You
shall do this for six days, and on the seventh
day the people shall make the attack, each
man going up straight before him."

Then Joshua said to the people, "March
around the city and let the armed men pass
on before the ark of Jehovah. You shall not
shout the battle-cry nor let your voice be
heard; not a word shall escape from your
mouth until the day I say to you, 'Shout the
battle-cry'; then you shall shout!"

So he had the ark of Jehovah carried around
the city once; then they returned to the
camp and spent the night there. The second
day they also marched around the city once
and returned to the camp. Thus they did six
days. The seventh day they rose early at
dawn and made the circuit of the city in the
same way, only on that day they marched
about the city seven times. The seventh time
the priests blew the trumpets, and Joshua
said to the people, "Shout the battle-cry; for
Jehovah has given you the city. The city and
all that is in it shall be sacrificed to Jehovah;
only Rahab and those who are with her in her
house shall live, because she hid the
messengers whom we sent."

So the people shouted the battle-cry and the
wall fell down and they went straight up into
the city and captured it. But Joshua spared
the lives of Rahab and her father's family
and all that she had, because she hid the
messengers whom Joshua sent to explore
Jericho; and they have lived among the
Israelites even to this day.

(i) The miraculous power of God
(ii) It teaches us several grand truths
regarding God’s grace and our salvation
(iii) Help brings forth life like that of Rahab's


The cleansing of the temple occure during the last week of Jesus' ministry. Jesus rode into jerusalem. The cleansing was to show that God's judgment was operative through the messiah the area where the buying and selling was going on was a big area in the temple is very close to the area of the gentiles.
There were two currencies for passover pilgirms namely the temple and the roman currency used outside the temple. He told them "it is written 'my house shall be called a house of prayer. But dont make it den of robbers, they said ro Jesus "Do you hear what these are saying?
"Jesus answered yes. The chief priest and the scriber regarded Jesus as a dangerous threats to their way of life

(i) The event is an object of prophecy as in the old testament about Jesus to show what kind of messiah he is
(iv) Jesus is not political messiah but a man of war.
(iii) the people shouted "hosanna to the son of david" showing his kingship

-God guided Abraham and his defendants to settle in cannan
-GOD led the isrealites through the red sea
-God gave the ten commandments to guide the isrealites conduct and behaviors

David committed adultery with
Bathsheba,Uriah's wife and
had a child.For this reason,God
was displeased and God sent
prophet Nathan who decreed
the death of the child and the
child was struck with
illness.When David realised
that God was displeased,He
interceded for the life of the
child and fasted and laid upon
the ground.Meanwhile the
intercession and admonition of
the elders did not change Gods
anger and the child died on the
seventh day.Out of fright the
servant could not report to
David lest he harmed himself
but later the news was
reported to him.On hearing
hearing the news he rose and
had his bath,annointd himself
and changed his appavel,he
went to the temple,worshipped
God for answering his prayer
and requested for food.His
servant were surprised at his
behaviour.However David
fasted wept so that God would
reverse his intention to take the
son's lifebut unfortunately the
child died he thought fasting is
no more necessary.David
summed up his courage and
believed that He could go to the
child but the child could no
more come to him

Man should fear and respect
God and submit to his will as
David did
ii)Mna should be ready to
accept the will of God in their
iii)True repentance and
forsaking of sins always
attract Gods favour and mercy

5a) The parable begins with a young man,
younger of two sons, who asks his father
to give
him his share of the estate. The
implication is the
son couldn't wait for his father's death
for his
inheritance, he wanted it immediately.
The father
agrees and divides his estate between
both sons.
Upon receiving his portion of the
inheritance, the
younger son travels to a distant country
wastes all his money in extravagant
Immediately thereafter, a famine strikes
the land;
he becomes desperately poor and is
forced to take
work as a swineherd. (This would have
abhorrent to Jesus' Jewish audience,
considered swinev unclean animals.)
When he
reaches the point of envying the food of
the pigs
he is watching, he finally comes to his
The son does not even have time to finish
rehearsed speech, since the father calls
for his
servants to dress him in a fine robe, a
ring, and
sandals, and slaughter the "fattened calf"
for a
celebratory meal. The older son, who was
at work
in the fields, hears the sound of
celebration, and
is told about the return of his younger
brother. He
is not impressed, and becomes angry:
The parable
concludes with the father explaining that
the younger son had returned, in a sense,
the dead, celebration was necessary:"But
it was
appropriate to celebrate and be glad, for
this, your
brother, was dead, and is alive again. He
was lost,
and is found." 

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