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Waec 2014 Government OBJ & Theory/Essay QUESTION AND ANSWERS Free Runz

Waec 2014 Government OBJ & Theory/Essay QUESTION AND ANSWERS Free Expo

Wednesday, 12th April, 2017
Government 2 (Essay) 09.30am - 11.30am
Government 1 (Objective) 11.30am - 12.30pm

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Legitimacy is commonly defined in political science and sociology as the belief that a rule, institution, or leader has the right to govern. It is a judgment by an individual about the rightfulness of a hierarchy between rule or ruler and its subject and about the subordinate's obligations toward the rule or ruler.

i)good leadership
ii)good government
iii)free and fair periodic
iv)spread political participation

Rights can be defined as those inalienable (natural) rights and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of a given state, which are usually stated in the constitution of the country

i)the level of economic and social conditions of people also affects the enjoyment of the right
ii)the breach by a person as adjudge by a court of law may restrict the right and liberties
iii)if the health of an individual will threaten the whole society he may be restricted to an area(hospital)
iv)person with disabilities may be confired for their own advantage and the good society

simple Majority system is a system of voting requirement of more than half of all ballots cast

i)Representatives can get elected with small amounts of public support, as the size of the winning margin is irrelevant:
ii)It encourages tactical voting, as voters often vote not for the candidate they most prefer, but against the candidate they most dislike.
iii)It is regarded as wasteful, as votes cast in a constituency for losing candidates, or for the winning candidate above the level they need to win that seat, count for nothing.
iv)It can severely restrict voter choice. Parties are not homogenous and do not speak with one unified voice. Parties are more coalitions of many different viewpoints.

i)they checked the excess of the king makers In the area of dethronement of an oba.
ii)they perform rituals on behalf of the kingdom
iii)they mediated between the oba and the kingmakers whenever there was a disagreement.
iv)they serve as link between the people and the ancestors
v)the society possess some judicial powers and was involved in policy making.

7a) Crown Colony can be described as the system of administration that was adopted by the British in the administration of their overseas territories.

i)Approval of new constitutions: For a new constitution to be drafted and implemented in the colonies, the secretary of state m!ust have given his approval.
ii)Received petitions: The Secretary of State received the complaints and petitions from the local people.
iii)Supervision of Governors; It was the duty of the Secretary of State to supervise the work of the Governors who resided in the British colonies.
iv)Approval of annual budget; The budgets for the colonies were prepared by the Executive Councils of the colonies, but before the budget could be implemented, it had to be approved by the Secretary of State for the colonies.

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