The Joint Admission and Matriculatio
Board (JAMB) has provided the Step-b
Step Process Flow of the Admissio
Exercise for the education an
information of general public and th
stakeholders, particularly th
1. After successful completion of th
Unified Tertiary Matriculatio
Examination (UTME) and
release of results, lists of Candidate
were forwarded to their First Choic
2. JAMB thereafter requested a
Institutions to use the Lists to determin
their respective Cut off
Marks and forward same to JAMB ahea
of the Policy Meeting and programm
3. JAMB received and collated Individu
Institution and programme (course)C
Off Marks as
determined by their respective Senate
Academic Board
4. Three (3) Representatives
Institutions- (Vice Chancellors
Registrars / Provosts), Registrars
and Admissions Desk Officers wer
trained on the Central Admission
Processing System
5. Policy Meeting was held with Heads
Tertiary Institution and Regulators t
determine, among
others, the General Cut Off Marks fo
categories of institutions, based o
earlier submissions of
individual Cut Off marks by th
At the meeting, which was held in Abuj
on Tuesday, 22 August, 2017, th
institutions decided that the lowe
submissions from Institutions would als
be Minimum Cut off Marks and thes
were 120 (for Universities) and 10
(Polytechnics, Monotechnics and College
of Education). It was further agreed th
the Cut Off Marks as determined by eac
Institution’s Senate / Academic Boar
and submitted would be maintained an
applicable for Admission to th
6. Based on requests at the Polic
Meeting, JAMB requires each Institutio
to reconfirm its Cut Off Marks and Set
the Cut Off Mark and other Institutio
specific parameters such as othe
Admissions Criteria (e.g. Post UTM
Screening) and carrying capacity o
CAPS.This is on going.
7. Institutions download (from CAP
details of Candidates that meet th
Institution’s and programme’s Cut O
Mark and had selected them as Fir
Choice Institutions. JAMB additionall
provides softcopy of the sam
information on CDs to Institutions
8. Awaiting Results Candidates uploa
their results to JAMB Portal
9. Institutions may conduct Post UTM
Screenings for downloaded candidates
10. Results of Post UTME wher
applicable are uploaded to CAPS t
obtain aggregate scores for th
11. CAPS ranks and suggests candidate
that meet the Institution’s Admission
Criteria as configured on the system b
the Institution.
12. The Admissions Desk Officer of th
Institution reviews the List of th
Suggested Candidates and makes th
decision as to which candidates to sele
for further processing.
The Admissions Desk Officer generates
List of Proposed Candidates for revie
and approval of the Head of th
13. The Head of the Institution review
the List of Proposed Candidates a
appropriates and push the List
Recommended Candidates to JAMB
14. The JAMB (Admission Office
reviews the Recommended Candidates t
confirm they are from those initiall
sent to the Institution; met th
Admissions Criteria as advertised in th
brochure and as set on CAPS by th
Institution, including upload of an
confirm that no qualified candidate ha
been unjustly denied Admission.
No candidate will be considered witho
the upload of his/her O’Level and/or
Level results.
15. JAMB generates a List of Provision
16. JAMB notifies Candidates to Accept
Reject Admission
17. Candidate Accepts / Rejec
Admission on the JAMB Portal or throug
USSD or Short Service Code withi
18. If Candidate Accepts Provision
Admission, JAMB updates Admissio
Status and forwards List
of Confirmed Admissions to th
19. Candidate prints Admission Lette
and Proceeds to the Institution fo
further internal Admission
20. If Candidate Rejects Admission, s/h
becomes available in the Market Plac
for further possible consideration fo
The Market Place feature in CAP
provides flexibility for the Institutions t
source for candidates who may not hav
earlier chosen the institution fo
Admission consideration. Institution
may specify various selectio
parameters such as UTME score, Stat
Local Government, Gender, preferre
programmes /course of the Candidates.
The List of Candidates so selected fro
the Market Place are then pushed t
JAMB who then notify the Candidates
Market Place consideration b
Institutions. Candidate may Accept
Reject Market Place consideratio
subject to a maximum of three (
Market Place considerations at a time.
The Candidates could also approach th
Market Place to announce availabilit
for Admission consideration from an
institution or for any programm
different from those earlier indicate
during the UTME Registration, provide
s/he has requisite O’ Level Results an
wrote the required subject combinatio
in the UTME.
Any agreement or understanding o
Admission consideration between th
Institution and candidate based o
Market Place operations will have to b
effected with a requirement for th
Candidate to effect a Change
Institution on the JAMB Portal to b
available for Download (Step 6 above) b
the new Institution to follow th
subsequent steps in the Admissio
The existing window for candidates t
change Institution or Programme i
addition to the Market
Place is still available through the
Institutions can download (Step 6 of th
Admission Process) list of addition
candidates who
have changed to the institutions sinc
the last download
Admissions of candidates can b
processed instantly or in batches b
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